Hereford Workshop

Welcome to our website page.

Hereford Workshop has been running for over 30 years and has in recent years moved to Belmont Community Centre. We are a small group of experienced teachers who aim to provide support and tuition in a friendly, relaxed environment in a fun engaging way, providing students opportunities to develop strategies to cope with dyslexia and some other special educational needs. Tuition (term-time) is on Saturday mornings from 9am to 1:30pm and on Wednesdays after school from 3:45pm to 6pm. Please see our Term Dates and Fees for details.

Hereford Workshop has a parent support group whose aim is to meet from time to time for a friendly chat, organise small fundraising events and provide support for each other and the workshop.

If you are interested in our workshops in Hereford, please contact me:
Bev Drinkwater (Senior Tutor Hereford HWDA)

Our Location

Meet the Team

Resource of the Month…as voted for by our students is… Star Genius