
What have our pupils and their families said about us?

From Families and Students

I cannot recommend HWDA enough. We joined the tutoring programme when Rosie was a very frustrated 8 year-old, both feeling very let down by the school system and the lack of support and guidance we received. Having heard about your organisation from our GP we got in touch and we were welcomed into the HWDA family. Rosie has flourished, grown in her ability and confidence at being given a structured, individual learning plan to follow. Back in 2020 when Covid closed down face-to-face learning, we embraced online tutoring: technology is fab but did bring a few curveballs along the way with dodgy Wi-Fi and being stuck on mute! Over time this became our new normal and as a family found online worked better for our family circumstances and chose to continue with classes on a 1:1basis via Zoom.

Rosie’s tutor, Kath, has been fabulous, making classes fun and rewarding: her support, guidance and skill has been amazing. We have regular chats and emails to discuss Rosie’s progress and weekly tasks such as spellings and GCSE notes and help sections for her to refer back to. The quality of teaching Rosie has received has been amazing and we cannot express how grateful we are for everyone’s time and knowledge (especially Kath’s). Whilst I have missed chatting to other parents in very similar situations, it’s nice to know it’s not just our child and not because we have done a rubbish job as parents! Rosie has really worked hard using the ‘toolbox’ of skills she has been shown how to use. We know that her future is going to be wonderful and so much thanks and appreciation goes to the work and time that HWDA put into their students. I sometimes wonder where we would be now had we not found you 8 years ago!

I shall continue to recommend you to people I meet who have children who are struggling because I honestly believe the service you provide is excellent.

Bromsgrove Parent

The workshop is different and more enjoyable than school! There is no rush and you can go at your own pace. I love that you learn through games, too. I would have got a U in English Lit without the workshop!!

Hereford Student

The workshop is a comfortable environment that makes you feel happy with your progress even though it is not the same as everyone else.

Hereford Student

So pleased that HWDA continue their support for students / pupils with dyslexia. We have this charity working in Bromsgrove and two generations of my family benefit from what is an invaluable service. The tricks and study skills learnt have stood my daughter in good stead to this day.

Bromsgrove student’s parent

Hi, I am 15 years old. For a great proportion of those years, I have been attending the mathematics workshop at Hereford provided by the HWDA. The support given by the tutors in this subject has improved my knowledge for use in my school-time lessons: the ability to discover and understand methods for solving problems is incredibly empowering. The help has also allowed me to flourish as an individual. Communicating with others and building relationships with new friends is critical to the lives of all children. I can wholeheartedly say that the HWDA has boosted my confidence and I am certain they have done the same for many other attendees. Recently, I have achieved the fantastic role of Head Boy for my High School. I have no doubt that the utmost passion from all that have aided my learning at the HWDA has enabled me to accomplish this responsibility. I would like to thank the tutors for their dedication to enhancing the understanding of children across Hereford and Worcester. 

E, Hereford Workshop Pupil

Thanks to the help and support from Katrina Kear-Wood about Dyslexia and P’s rights. P sat her first GCSE today with her designated one-to-one reader and is very confident that it went well.

Worcester Student’s Parent

We would thoroughly recommend the Bromsgrove HWDA workshop. My son thrived as soon as he started his tutor group. The engaging teaching style made every session fun and beneficial. He made new friends and, together, they practically bounced out of every workshop – which was amazing considering it was Friday night when they were tired from a busy week at school! He believes the workshop has made a huge difference to his dyslexia, giving him practical know-how and confidence in his abilities, both from the study skills he has learnt and from the reassurance of being with like-minded people. I enjoyed talking to other mums too. We would like to say a big thank you to everyone involved for all the tireless work they do. Long may the workshop continue!

Bromsgrove parent

With many, many thanks to all at HWDA for the help and support given to T. Keep up the good work.

From Mr & Mrs B

Thank you for all the support you have given both L and D over the years. Knowing that your child is going to a place where he is completely understood is priceless. Keep up the great work.

From the P Family

Just to say a big ‘THANK YOU’ for all the time, effort and enthusiasm that you and your teachers put in to running the Dyslexia Workshops. We really appreciate the support that D has received.

From the G Family

Thank you for all you have done for A whilst she has attended HWDA. She has really progressed with the help of her tutor. We await her GCSE results this summer, and hope that she passes her English to enable her to start the course she has chosen. Thank you again!!

From Mrs H

A big thank you from the H family. I don’t know what we will do on a Friday evenings! It’s been about 13 years we have been coming to you!!

From the H Family

Thank you and your teachers for all the help and support you have shown W over the years. Without that help and support I do not feel that we would be where we are now. Thanks again.

From the F Family

They say all good things come to an end! I want to thank you for all the support and advice you have given to me over the past 14 years. It has meant a lot to me, also for the lifts to meetings and for being a friend – I’m sure we won’t lose touch.

Most of all I want to thank you for the wonderful job you do with the children. My three have always come along happily, and that is down to the friendly atmosphere and amazing tutors.

I wish the Workshop all the best, long may it continue to support dyslexic families.

From the H Family

I wanted to say a special thank you for all the help and support you and all your tutors at the workshop have given to M over the years. Without the workshop, I am sure he wouldn’t be the confident young man he is today. Please keep up all your good work and pass on my thanks to all who worked with M.

From the E Family

Thank you for all your help over the past four years with T. The workshop has been great for him and he has enjoyed spending time with his partner and tutor. (The only grumble ever is that it’s on a Friday night!!!) Thanks again.

From Mrs T

We are very pleased with the progress that N. has made since he has been coming to the classes. He has also gained in confidence and is now not so worried about completing school work and we feel this is due to the fact that he now knows how to approach problems from different angles that he has been taught at the classes.

From Pupils

It seems a long time since I first visited you and you gave me the opportunity to attend the workshop, which I have thoroughly enjoyed and learnt lots …. and I know this as I was very proud to get an A in English last week.

I can’t thank you enough for your kindness and for giving me this opportunity that I will never forget. Thanks again, I will really miss the workshop.

From C

Just wanted to say a big thank you for helping me achieve my GCSE grades, without you I may not have been able to go to such a good college. I’m really enjoying it, we’ve just done our first dance show, it was so much fun!

From J

Thank you for everything, for taking me in and supporting me through all these years! I have met some lovely people here and made lots of good friends. Thanks again.

From A

Thank you for helping me achieve what I wanted. I’m going to miss seeing you every week. You’ve been a big help and a big part of my life, so THANK YOU!

From H

Thank you so much for making my time at the workshop so enjoyable. Thank you to all my teachers who have helped me so much, made me more confident and helped me achieve my goals. I will miss workshop.

From C

Thank you so much for all the help and support you have given to me over the last 5 years. I will miss you lots.

From E

It helps with everything-reading, writing. It’s fun learning.

From F

I like the games because they’re fun.

From N

I like practising my memory skills

From D

I like working here and playing the games

From T

The things we do can seem easy but they’re really helpful; a bit of social time; two on one learning; fewer students; focussed on you.

From Ma

fun and interesting ways to cope with dyslexia

From Mo

I improved my spelling by coming to the workshop.

From P

It helps with your learning.

From M

It’s different from school, you learn more, you don’t have to put your hand up and wait, face to face with your tutor.

From Ev

Very good and fun – learning in different ways. You learn by playing games.

From C

They explain it more simply- Break it down.

From Z

We get to play games

From B

I get to see Billy, we play games, I learn new stuff.

From Fr

Helps me with new techniques.

From Co

Without HWDA I wouldn’t have passed my GCSE’s – Combining fun with learning

From O

Tutors Comments, Hereford Workshop

Hands on collaborative activities building confidence.


We aim to make learning fun through games and social interaction between students and tutors who want to improve their skills in English and Maths.


We aim to support students who have to cope with dyslexia every day of their lives, who want to improve their English and Maths skills, by making learning fun through games, activities and social interaction between students and tutors in very small groups.
