Fond Farewells…

We are sad to be saying farewell to some students and a tutor from Hereford Workshop this summer. Molly has been a student with us for over nine years and Corey has been at the workshop for two years. They both agree that the support at the workshop has been invaluable in helping them achieve and we wish them every happiness and success in their continuing studies at college.

The workshop is different and more enjoyable than school! There is no rush and you can go at your own pace. I love that you learn through games, too. I would have got a U in English Lit without the workshop!!


The workshop is a comfortable environment that makes you feel happy with your progress even though it is not the same as everyone else.


Tutor, Rachel, has been at Hereford for five years and is leaving to focus on her teaching role at Hereford College of Art. We would like to thank her for all her hard work and dedication to the students. We will miss her very much but say farewell with our very best wishes for the future.

Pictured with Molly and Corey are their tutor, Rachel, and Hereford Workshop’s Senior Tutor, Bev.